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Last updated on: 03 JUNE 2024, 3.19PM IST.
Project: World's Fastest 3D printed BO wheel

The project got featured and also won the Runner up prize of $50 in Robotics contest organised by Autodesk Instructables.

Instructables Instagram
The project got featured on official Instagram page of Instructables

The project won the first prize in monthly contest called "Electromaker of the month" for the month of November and won $150 and Electromaker Goodies.
The project got featured in Hackster news

Cloud 3D print
The project got featured on the Cloud 3D print blog.
The project got featured on the blog.

Wevolver Linkedin
The project got featured on the Wevolver's official Linkedin page.

Wevolver Twitter/X
The project got featured on the Wevolver's official Twitter/X page.

DIYODE Magzine
The project got featured on DIYODE magazine in their 79th Issue published in the February 2024.